Pieter Elsevier (1643-1696) and his second wife Sophia van Luchtenburg (deceased in 1691) lived here. Records show that their son Jonathan (1678-1717) joined the VOC in 1696 and travelled on multiple ships for the company. He was an officer at sea and passed away in 1717 while in service at the Cape of Good Hope.

In 1767, Adriaan van Bronckhorst (1728-1806) bought this building. He was a member of the city council, the courts, and mayor of Utrecht. His daughter, Alida Susanna van Bronckhorst (1760-1839) married Theodorus Nicolaas van Voorst (1758-1820), the son of Jan van Voorst (Janskerkhof 13). This union between Theodorus and Alida meant that the Van Bronckhorst family was now directly connected with the Van Voorst family, a known profiter from slavery.